Monday, March 25, 2013

Ghostwriting 1: (Fe)Male

Allright! Something new again... I want to hear more from you, YOU!
My reader. We start a serie of Ghostwriting!

A reader of mine will share a story or oppinion or something.
Today the first one... It's all up to YOU when the next one will be...


I don’t wanna be male!

It´s good to be different, it's no fun to be the same. 
But there seems to be an everlasting argument about who is best:
Men or Women. 

Though we seem to be proud to be either man of woman 
(it’s the thing that binds you from birth to a certain group of gender)
In my opinion we should focus more on the benefits.

For instance; as a woman, 
I would hate to have ‘something’ dangling between my legs all day. 

As a man 
I would be soooo relieved that I’d never have to endure labour pains.

There are countless of pro’s and con’s about being male or female, 
But at the end of the day we need each other. We balance eachother out.

Don’t make me live in a world with only women!
(Hormones, hormones everywhere!) 

Or in a world full of men!
(Practical yes, but they wouldn’t know how to love seeing as they never had a mom).

Maybe someday we’ll find the happy medium... 
Where men are more in touch with their hearts. 
And women learn to, sometimes, forget about their hearts.

Until that day, lets revel in our differences.

~The blue eyed racoon~ 


Want to have your own little topic on here to share?!
Maybe I'll even write a blog around your part!

Sent me a message on Facebook or anywhere and we'll figure it out!
Extra: I need a animal pseudonym!

Note: I will be the one editing at the end.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Light my fire

I do like fire!

Very much. It's a beauty. You see all the pictures around this blog?
Behind it it's a christmas tree burning and a lovely campfire above.

I can go on forever about fire and delicious marshmallows etc. etc.

But the reason for this blog is the fire of life!

Wow, fire of life you say? Yeah not toooo deep.

I'm just getting tired. The fire is weaker than it used to be in life.
All the fun things you do. The sun in your face. Where is it?

No nonooo. The winter returned! Like 5 times... Snow again! Whuuut.

I like being busy. Planning all kinds of fun activities or things with friends. But now...
Obligations just go on and on and on and ooonn! I HAVE to be busy. Different.

It's so much.

I'm happy when I know that on saturday (next week!) I have an empty day?!
You remember the times when I'll freak out when I have a day off?! It's gone.

I know where I'll be every day and night.
You got a full agenda too? You'll understand!
The fire is burning somewhere in the back but it doesn't warm you.

My agenda:
Mon-day:         School                      
Mon-night:        Roller Derby practice

Tues-day:         Internship at home   
Tues-night:        School

Wednes-day:    Internship                 
Wednes-night:   Theatre class for internship

Thurs-day:       Internship                 
Thurs-night:      Roller Derby practice

Fri-day:            Internship                 
Fri-night:          Maybe free

Satur-day:        Hopefully free          
Satur-night:       Party?

Sun-day:          Working @ Josephine
Sun-night:         REST!!!


Sometimes I just want to get out and leave.
Just dissapear from everything I have to do for a while.

Where do you find your fire?!

Disappeared in the fire!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Rabbit for a week!?

Sometimes you make a joke and it becomes reality. Got that too?

Because I had a discussion about meat vs veggie and I yelled out "Ok! Let's eat vegetarion for a week!!". Now I'm gonna eat no meat (it's in the word you see! m-Eat) at all this week.

Starting today!

The first day is always good to hold, that's with every addiction. Wait, do I call my meat eating an addiction now? Nooo. It's a habbit? Rabbit... Uhh.

Yesterday I said goodbye to my meat and the lovely steak I ate as my last supper.

Left vs right you see? This week I have to eat my veggies!

I made vegetarian wraps today. With fake meat. I made that before when I was with other veggies and really like it. So that's one day down!

It isn't necessary to get a meat substitute like fake meat but I like my wraps like that.

It felt different walking through the grocery store. I noticed I was at the vegetables way longer than normally and I skipped an enormous section of meat. Wave wave!

Ofcourse this week the Shoarma is on sale in my supermarket. I would loooovee to get a big bite out of that with loads of garlic or home made tzatziki...

And yes! This sunday (the last day yay!) I'm having a little celebration. A dinner!
So I'm searching for a good vegetarian(-ish) restaurant in Utrecht. Somebody help?

Well, byebyee meat, chicken & fish! I'm gonna miss you ;]