Thursday, March 14, 2013

Light my fire

I do like fire!

Very much. It's a beauty. You see all the pictures around this blog?
Behind it it's a christmas tree burning and a lovely campfire above.

I can go on forever about fire and delicious marshmallows etc. etc.

But the reason for this blog is the fire of life!

Wow, fire of life you say? Yeah not toooo deep.

I'm just getting tired. The fire is weaker than it used to be in life.
All the fun things you do. The sun in your face. Where is it?

No nonooo. The winter returned! Like 5 times... Snow again! Whuuut.

I like being busy. Planning all kinds of fun activities or things with friends. But now...
Obligations just go on and on and on and ooonn! I HAVE to be busy. Different.

It's so much.

I'm happy when I know that on saturday (next week!) I have an empty day?!
You remember the times when I'll freak out when I have a day off?! It's gone.

I know where I'll be every day and night.
You got a full agenda too? You'll understand!
The fire is burning somewhere in the back but it doesn't warm you.

My agenda:
Mon-day:         School                      
Mon-night:        Roller Derby practice

Tues-day:         Internship at home   
Tues-night:        School

Wednes-day:    Internship                 
Wednes-night:   Theatre class for internship

Thurs-day:       Internship                 
Thurs-night:      Roller Derby practice

Fri-day:            Internship                 
Fri-night:          Maybe free

Satur-day:        Hopefully free          
Satur-night:       Party?

Sun-day:          Working @ Josephine
Sun-night:         REST!!!


Sometimes I just want to get out and leave.
Just dissapear from everything I have to do for a while.

Where do you find your fire?!

Disappeared in the fire!


  1. I've almost disappeared

  2. I find my fire, in every word I write or I go for a walk, I paint, but mostly and most beloved is when I write, write, write and write kilometers! That makes me find balance in life.
    So, my fire is in writing and my little precious family. You know those fools...

    1. Good! Writing is the cure for everything... ;]

      Fools in the World ;]
