Monday, March 4, 2013

Rabbit for a week!?

Sometimes you make a joke and it becomes reality. Got that too?

Because I had a discussion about meat vs veggie and I yelled out "Ok! Let's eat vegetarion for a week!!". Now I'm gonna eat no meat (it's in the word you see! m-Eat) at all this week.

Starting today!

The first day is always good to hold, that's with every addiction. Wait, do I call my meat eating an addiction now? Nooo. It's a habbit? Rabbit... Uhh.

Yesterday I said goodbye to my meat and the lovely steak I ate as my last supper.

Left vs right you see? This week I have to eat my veggies!

I made vegetarian wraps today. With fake meat. I made that before when I was with other veggies and really like it. So that's one day down!

It isn't necessary to get a meat substitute like fake meat but I like my wraps like that.

It felt different walking through the grocery store. I noticed I was at the vegetables way longer than normally and I skipped an enormous section of meat. Wave wave!

Ofcourse this week the Shoarma is on sale in my supermarket. I would loooovee to get a big bite out of that with loads of garlic or home made tzatziki...

And yes! This sunday (the last day yay!) I'm having a little celebration. A dinner!
So I'm searching for a good vegetarian(-ish) restaurant in Utrecht. Somebody help?

Well, byebyee meat, chicken & fish! I'm gonna miss you ;]


  1. Er zit een restaurant aan de Oudegracht, maar waar? En je kan een keertje Veggie bij ons komen eten... Krijg je de favoriet van Benjamin. Wij zijn deeltijders.

  2. Aansteller! Vega = lekker en er bestaan zoveeeel lekkere vega gerechten. Je overleeft het wel.
